of Kent
400 West Gowe St, Suite 400    
Kent, WA 98032    
253.859.CARE (2273)    
Fax: 253.850.8894    

Instructions for Using Duofilm on Warts

Duofilm is a combination of acids that is believed to work by removing skin cells that are infected with the wart virus.

  1. Soak the wart in hot water for at least five minutes.
  2. Use a pumice stone to remove dead skin in the area of the wart. Be careful not to rub too hard and irritate the area.
  3. Dry area thoroughly.
  4. Apply two to four drops of Duofilm directly to the wart once a day using the plastic applicator. Each drop should be permitted to dry before the next is added.
  5. Avoid application of Duofilm to surrounding normal skin.
  6. Cover treated area with Band-Aid (or adhesive tape for a planter's wart).

Normally, improvement can be seen after two to four weeks of treatment. Maximum effect occurs after six to twelve weeks of use.

Duofilm is for external use on warts only.

If any irritation develops, then stop using Duofilm and call you nurse practitioner.

Duofilm is highly flammable.

If Duofilm gets in the eyes or on mucus membranes, flush immediately with water for at least fifteen minutes and call your nurse practitioner.

Last modified April 30, 2000

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